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El-Roi, The God Who Sees You

Picture the scene. A young woman and her son are sitting in the desert. Thirsty and hungry, they hopelessly and desperately cry out to God. Both have been recently kicked out of their home and forced into homelessness. With no food and no money, they sit and weep. What will they do? Does God see them? Does He care? How can a loving God allow such a bad thing like that to happen to them?

Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever been in such a low season in your life that you felt God didn’t see you? That’s how Hagar felt, Sarah’s handmaid felt. Forced to be a surrogate mother for Abraham’s illegitimate son, Ishmael, Hagar was a runaway, slave, and victim of cruel mistreatment and abuse by her master, Sarah. She didn't want to have Ishmael. Yet, she was made a promise by God that He would bless her and her son if she agreed to comply with her master's request.

The story of Hagar teaches us that God never leaves or forsakes us. Even in our darkest hour, He is right there. I am sure Hagar thought her and Ishmael were going to die in the desert. Both of their cries were signs that they were in desperate need of help. More than just water, they needed reassurance that El-Roi, the God who sees, still saw them. Perhaps, you need the same reassurance today. Well, I am here to give it you.

No matter what you are going through, God who sees you. And not only does He see, He cares for you. In the midst of your setbacks, failures, heartbreak, grief, and despair, He is there. Right when you have given up all hope, the One who sees you will show up and answers your cries for help.

Today I pray this short prayer for you.

God, open the eyes of the person reading this post right now. Just like you opened Hagar's eyes, open their eyes so they can see You. Lord, show them that you handling the situation that seems out of their hands. Take care of their needs today and answer their desperate cries for help. But most importantly, show them that You love them and You care.

In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

I pray this this post blessed you. If it did, please share it on your social media platforms.

Looking for a new morning devotional, order my Christian Devotional, Early Do I Seek Thee: 31 Days Of Seeking God in Th Morning by clicking the picture below.


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