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Are You Walking On The Narrow Road Or You Cruising On The Highway To Hell?

Updated: Jan 10, 2020

It’s time to for you to stop playing with God. It’s for you to make a choice. Are you hot or are you cold? Are you walking on the straight and narrow road or are you cruising on the highway of hell? Today you need to make a choice. You can’t be half in and half out. Beloved, you can’t serve both God and the world. It’s time for us believers to separate ourselves from the world and really surrender our lives to God. On my way home from church on yesterday, I heard this song, I Can’t Stay Here, by Christian Music artists David and Nicole Binion and It made realize that it was time for me to make a choice to serve God with my whole heart.

I can’t stay lukewarm anymore. I must truly offer my body and life to the Lord as living sacrifice and stop being confirmed to this pattern of this world. I have to make a choice and so do you. We can’t stay here in anymore. We can’t stay sleep to what God is doing our lives and lives of those around us. We can’t stay complacent and just sit by and let our purposes and destines pass us by. We created on purpose and for a purpose. Besides serving and giving God glory, we were created to leave our mark on this earth. In this world. We were called to go into out the world and preach the gospel and win lost souls to Christ. We were called to use our God given gifts and talents to serve others and edify, encourage, and uplift them in Christ Jesus. Beloved, choose ye this day whom you will serve.

Beloved, you can’t you, but I can’t stay here anymore. I have outgrown this place. This season. God is calling me to deepen my relationship with Him. He said if I draw near to Him, He will draw near to me and I need Him. My soul yearns for Him. My heart is crying out for Him. His unconditional- love, peace, joy, grace, mercy, and forgiveness is what I seek. I can’t keep changing between the wide and narrow road anymore. I simply can’t stay here in anymore.

I have made a choice I and choose God. I choose to serve and obey Him with my whole heart. I choose to offer my body and life to Him as a living sacrifice. . I choose to mediate on His Word day and night. I choose to pray without ceasing. I choose to spread the Gospel and win souls for the Kingdom of God. I choose to do the will of my Father and be about His business. I choose to fulfill my purpose and destiny while I am on this earth. What road are you traveling on road? Choose ye this day whom you will serve. I don't know about you, but this complacent l life, I can't stay here anymore. I am all in. What do you choose?

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Get ready because on tomorrow, September 24th it's going down! The release of the first episode will be dropping tomorrow morning! If you are not a part of my mailing list, make sure you join TODAY! So you can be the first to listen to new episode!

She Speaks Her Mind will be a weekly podcast that will feature me speaking my mind on current topics with a spiritual perspective.


Amber Bryant
Amber Bryant

Hey Brittany! To God be the Glory. I'll be praying for your consistency through your daily faith walk journey! Pray for mines too! I will post part 3 when the Holy Spirit releases me! Maybe this week!

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