I want to grow closer to God. That's the number one statement I get from people all that time when they found out I have Christian blog ministry. I even get it from my subscribers. How do we grow closer to God? First of all, let me say it is something we should be doing intentionally every day through prayer, worship and praise, and studying and meditating on His Word. Our mouths should be continuously blessing and praising His name. While going to church and being active in your church's' ministry is great, the time you spend with God outside of church is how your relationship with Him begins to grow. We should be pursing God daily and one of the ones I do this is through reading and listening to Christian devotional and self-help books.
The bible tells us in Isaiah 26:3, "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." Reading and listening to Christian books helps me keep my mind stayed upon God throughout the day. Because I want you to grow closer to God and keep your mind stayed upon Him too, I am recommending some my favorite books for you to purchase!

Dealing with the spirit of rejection? Here is the perfect book for you.

Want to experience a personal encounter with God or long to see a spiritual revival breakout in your community, city, state, or nation? This book is for you. I am currently listening to it now!
If you are a woman and you want to find out what your God-given purpose and assignment on this earth is, purchase this book now. The book has radically changed my life and made me seek God on a deeper level.
Crushed by life's disappointments? This book encouraged and motivated me in a really dark place in my life.
I love this book! The daily devotionals are short and really give you spiritual food for thought! I recommend reading it in the morning before you start your day.
Struggle with forgiveness? This book is for you! Get the Audiobook, Bishop T.D. Jakes narrates it.
I was recommended to read this book by a friend and I am so glad I did. If you are called to leadership in minstry, this book is a MUST READ!
I think every Christian needs to read this book! It is must add to your collection.
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