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Prophetic Word: Be More Specific In Your Prayers

I woke up yesterday morning to a very fascinating dream. While I cannot share the details of the dream, I can share the revelation God gave me about it. After waking up and laying in my bed for a while, the Lord say to me, "The results of your dream were a manifestation of a specific prayer you prayed in the dream." As I thought back on what happened in the dream, certain scenes were highlighted in my memory and I realized that the words I had spoken in the beginning of the dream came to pass at the end of the dream.

Now while I would love for what happened in the dream to manifest in real life, I know God was using the dream to illustrate a very important principle to me. If we want to see the things we are believing God to do for us come to fruition in our lives, we are going to have to be very specific on what we ask Him for in our prayers. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:7, "Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened.

In my dream, I was very specific with God in my prayer on what I wanted to see happened. Instead of praying a generic prayer like, 'Lord, help me." I prayed, "Lord, help me come up with a strategy on how to do x,y,z….give me the wisdom I need to make it happen." You see the difference. The Lord is always willing to help us and give us wisdom when we ask Him, but we need to be specific with Him in the areas we need help and wisdom in.

God said tell my people to stop praying and decreeing generic things. He said ask Him specifically for what you want and attach your faith to it. The widow woman in Luke 18 got her requested granted by the unjust judge because she was persistent and specific on what she asked him for. She asked the judge to grant her justice because of the harm she received from her adversary. The Word tells us in Luke 18:6-7,“If even an evil judge can be worn down like that, don’t you think that God will surely give justice to his people who plead with him day and night?"

The lesson to be learned from that parable is if you want to see your prayers answered in this season be specific and persistent in your prayers. Keep asking, keeping seeking, and keeping knocking. Don't just ask God to increase your faith, but ask Him to increase your faith in a specific area in your life. I need God to increase my faith in the area of healing, specifically healing in a certain part of my body. So now when I pray I ask God to heal that specific part of my body versus just asking Him to heal me.

Another example is to ask God for certain amounts when you pray for money. We love to pray general prayers like, "Lord, bless my finances." Instead, we should pray, "Lord, You said in your Word in Deuteronomy 8:18, that You have given me the ability and power to create wealth." I need $5000 to start my business. This money will cover my marketing, supplies for my products, contractors...etc." A prayer like that is quicker to get answered than just a simple prayer of Lord increase my finances.

I pray that you take this Word to heart. Understand, specific prayers get specific answers.

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