Last night, the Lord rebuked me. He told me He was angry with me because I hadn’t been spending time with Him. You see, I have so been busy focused on building my professional brand that I haven’t forgotten to connect with the One who gave me the power and ability to create the brand. God’s desire is that we seek Him above everyone and everything in our lives. No matter what we have going in our lives, God wants to know He comes first.
After rebuking me, He reminded of me of His everlasting love for me and brought back into my remembrance this scripture in Hosea 6:6, “I don’t want your sacrifices—I want your love; I don’t want your offerings—I want you to know me.” God doesn’t want our robotic praises and worship-praising and worshiping Him out of obligation. He wants us to praise and worship because we love Him. Daily, He wants us to seek His face in prayer and I am not talking about the quick 5-10 minutes prayers you pray before you go to bed. He wants you to pray to Him without ceasing. So that means you pray to Him after you wake up, during your lunch break, before you to go bed, and every time the Holy Spirit leads you to.

As King David eloquently wrote in Psalms 55:17:
Every evening I will explain my need to him. Every morning I will move my soul toward him. Every waking hour I will worship only him, and he will hear and respond to my cry.
That is what God desires of me. He desires for me to seek with Him with my whole heart and spend time in His presence every day. The first and greatest commanded is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength. We show our love to God by making Him the first priority in our lives. That means He should come before our spouses, kids, jobs, businesses, classes, church, and other social and professional activities. We are called to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and we do this by spending quality time Him in prayer, reading and mediating on His Word, and giving Him continuous praise and worship.
God made a promise to us that if we seek Him with our whole hearts, we would find Him. Are you truly seeking God? Do you pray daily and are your prayers fervent? Do your prayers include other people? How often do you read His Word? When is the last time you praised Him or gave Him authentic worship-not worship lead by praise a group in church? No, my beloved, the worship that flows from the Holy Spirit randomly as you are driving in your car or cleaning up in your house. Yeah, that worship. True worship! How often do you witness to the unsaved or pray for the unsaved in your family? Do you sow into the Kingdom of God? Do you truly walk by faith and not by sight? The Holy Spirit is literally giving me these questions as I am writing this post as questionnaire for you because this what seeking God looks like in action.
God rebuked me, but He said that I am the only He is rebuking in this season. God wants us to seek Him with our whole hearts. He wants our love. He wants our time-quality time. My beloved, I am praying for you. I pray that you receive this Word in faith and you develop a more intimate relationship with God. I pray that fire of the Holy Spirit stirs up inside of you. I pray He awakens a deep yearning for God’s Word in your heart. God loves you so much and so do I!

My goal was to write a traditional #ThroneRoomThrusday post, but I write and flow as the Holy Spirit leads to me. Who knew my rebuke become this week’s Word! If you know you haven’t been living right and your relationship with God is not where it needs to be, send me a prayer request. And I will pray for you and with you. Get back in fellowship with God!
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