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God Will Intervene When You Intercede

Sometimes I feel this strong urge to pray for people. Sometimes the urge will come completely out of now where. The Holy Spirit will place someone in my heart and mind and immediately I will start praying for that person. Sometimes I know why am praying for them and others times I do not. Have you ever felt that urge?

Many times if you have a prayer burden you will feel a heaviness of heart, spiritual mourning, and restlessness that compels you to pray for a person until you feel a release of peace. At times, I have felt physically sick until prayed for the person that has God placed in my heart. It is like God won’t release you from the burden until you have prayed for that person.

If you have, what you experienced is that moment is a prayer burden. A prayer burden is an unction from the Holy Spirit to immediately pray for a person as you led. Many times if you have a prayer burden you will feel heaviness in your heart, a feeling of mourning, or restlessness in your mind that compels you to stop everything you are doing and pray for the person or situation that comes to your mind. The reason why the burden is so heavy is because God needs you to pray for that person at the exact moment so He can intervene in their lives. Remember, God intervenes when we intercede.

Don't be surprised if God places a burden on your heart to pray for someone. God needs you at that time to be a willing vessel to carry out His will on earth as it is in heaven for that person's life. So don't look at is burden, but as a honor. And always keeps this in mind, Jesus intercedes for us every day.

Starting today, pick 1-3 people to pray for every day for the next 30 days. It can be whoever you choose or ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the person or people to you. Once you have your person or people selected, pray for them daily. If you do this consistently over the next 30 days, God will not only intervene in their lives but He will also intervene in yours too. So intercede so God can intervene!

How often do you pray for others? Honestly, how long do you spend time interceding on the behalf other people's needs? If your answer is never or rarely, today I am going to show you in the Word of God where you are missing the mark in prayer.

As men and women of God, we should always be praying for others. Now granted, everyone isn't called to be a prayer warrior or an intercessor, but we are all called to pray and make supplication for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18) and non-saints or as some like to call them the "aints (lukewarm Christians and nonbelievers)!

The second most important commandment in the bible is to your love your neighbor as you love yourself and one of the ways you can show love to your neighbor is by praying for them. And for the more spiritual mature saints, praying for your enemies too! That is a commandment as well!

Apostle Paul urges us in 1 Timothy 2:1, "Pray much for others; plead for God’s mercy upon them; give thanks for all he is going to do for them." Now let's break that scripture down really quickly. First and foremost, he said pray much. Not just a little. Not just sometimes, much. As in regularly and consistently! Secondly, give thanks and praise to God for the people you are praying for and all God is doing and will do in their lives. I have a motto when it comes intercession and that motto is "God intervenes when we intercede"! Who are you interceding for?!

Pray for others. Lift up their needs before God in prayer! Do as the Word commands you and pray for all saints and the "aints"!

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