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Shut Up And Let God Speak

Some of you talk to much when you pray. Yes, I said it! You talk too much when you pray! I know that prayer is a having a conversation with God, but let me ask you something. Do you ever give God time to talk back to you? One of the greatest revelations I have ever received about prayer is learning the art of being still and quiet in the presence of God.

Zephaniah 1:7 says, "Be silent in the presence of the Lord God." God can't speak to you when you are talking. He will listen, but He will not respond back to you until you are silent. In the silence, God speaks. The reason why many of you are not hearing from God when you pray is back you are not staying still long enough for Him to respond back to you. God wants to answers your prayers, but He needs you to get quiet first. Prayer is suppose to be an open dialogue of conversation exchanged back and forth.

If you want to grow in your prayer life, learn how to shut up and let God speak! God wants to answer your prayers, but you keep talking over Him and you don't wait long enough in prayer for Him to speak back to you. You make you prayer request knows then you get up and go on about your business! Stop doing that! One favorite scriptures is Psalm 5:3, "Each morning you listen to my prayer, as I bring my requests to you and wait for your reply." Learn to be still and wait on God's reply!

Today I want you to put the timer on your phone to 15 minutes and find a quiet place in your house or get in your car and be still and silent before the Lord. Ask Him before you do this talk to you. Believe in faith during those 15 minutes for Him to respond to you. Then write down what He reveals to you. This exercise will teach you how to begin the practice of being still before God! Be still and know that He is God!

This week God wants me to share with you some instrumentals songs I listen to usher in the Holy Spirit's presence during prayer time with Him. The Holy Spirit is key to getting your prayers and answered by God. He should always be included in your prayer time with God!

Here are some of my favorite instrumental worship songs. Listen and incorporate them in your prayer time!

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