From Christian Author & Spiritual Teacher Amber Nicole Bryant

Are You Ready To Heal?
Are you struggling with the wounds of rejection? Are you having difficulty moving on after an intense breakup? Has the pain of rejection crippled you to the point that it affects your everyday life?
If you are, it’s time for you to go on a journey of self-healing and heal the broken pieces of your fragmented soul. Rejection has kept you in a self-imposed prison long enough. Liberate yourself and reclaim your power and time.
You have let rejection steal the best years of your life. When will you let go of the heartache, anger, and shame. When will you give yourself permission to heal?
Beloved, it's time. Past time. It's time to start your healing journey and break free from the strongholds of rejection. I know it hurts. I know you loved them. I know they betrayed you. Abandoned you. Cheated on you. Lied to you. Used you. Ghosted you. I know, but you can't keep holding on to the pain. You have to let it go.
Will it be easy? No. Will it take time? Yes. Do you want to heal? I can't answer that, only you can. Healing from rejection requires you to go on a journey, a self-healing journey that will require your time, patience, and commitment. I know you would like to believe time heals all wounds, but it doesn't. God + you doing the work will heal your rejection wounds.
So are you ready to heal? Are you ready to do the inner work and break the continuous cycle of pain and rejection in your life?
About The Book

One Day At A Time: Self-Healing Journey For The Rejected Soul is book/workbook for people struggling with the wounds of rejection.
In the book, I share my own personal experiences with dealing with romantic rejection and the strategy I used to heal myself and break free. If you are ready to become self-aware and do the inner work in your heart, soul, and mind, this book is for you.
During my personal healing journey, I discovered that I had to go through nine different emotional phases to completely heal and be free from rejection. This book is going to take you through each of those nine phases in a unique way. In each phase, I share a personal story, a phase overview, a four-part self-coaching questionnaire, and a personalized prayer. Each phase will also include some of my personal poems interwoven between each section.
With the journaling work, using The Self Coaching Model and the four components of awareness: Circumstance, Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions, you’ll learn how to examine the roots of your rejection, work through your feelings, and identify the issues that are holding you back from experiencing the freedom that your soul needs.
Be free. Be whole. Be at peace. Heal the wounds of rejection one day at a time. Are you ready to start your journey?

I Got Five On It.....
Each phase of the book is divided in five sections....
Personal Story
If anybody knows what it feels like to have a rejected soul, it's me. At the beginning of each phase, I share a personal story of how I struggled with romantic rejection, starting with the root of my father wounds to my triumph overcoming of rejection's painful sting.
Healing Insights
The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first. In each phase, I give you the raw truth, healing insights that will help you make a healthy mindset transformation.
Self-Coaching Questions
The only way to heal is to get real with yourself. In each phase, I use the Self-Coaching Model (Circumstances, Thoughts, Feelings, & Actions) to help you dip deep within your heart, soul, and mind by asking you questions that will unlock the inner and external truths that will set you free.
Poetry was the channel I used to express my feelings during each phase of my healing journey. In the book, I share my deepest poems to help you find the words to express your inner thoughts and feelings.
At the end of each phase, I include a Holy Spirit inspired prayer to help you spiritually heal.
Healing Comes In Phases....
As You Heal From Rejection,
You Will Go Through These Nine Emotional Phases....
Healing is not linear, and you can experience multiple phases simultaneously. It takes time and a lot of emotional resilience to work through healing from rejection.
Hurts Like Hell
Mad As Hell
Let Me Cry
Maybe, Maybe Not
Why Me
Choosing To
Forgive You
It Is What It Is
Give Me Time
A New Story
Who Is This Book For??
This is book is for people who have been rejected over and again in romantic relationships. If you have had your heart broken more times than you would like to count and have been living in years of pain, this book is for you. If you still stalk your exes social media pages, cry yourself to sleep every night and talk about your exes to your friends and family 24/7 this book is for you.
If you are merely existing, going to school, work, and church, and have no social life because the fear of making new relationships overwhelm you, this book is for you.
All of these are indications that you have a rejected soul and you need healing.
Rejection has left you in a broken state and it's past time for you to heal....

About The Author
Encouraging, Equipping, and Empowering You In Christ

My name is Amber Nicole Bryant and I am a Prophetic, Writer Seer, and Intercessor, Spiritual teacher, and founder of She Writes It Ministries, an online Christian ministry dedicated to encouraging, equipping, and empowering people in their daily faith walk with Christ through prophetic writings, prayers, videos, audio messages, and free spiritual resources.
As a master storyteller, I use my unique gift of writing to tell stories that heal and break people free from their spiritual, mental, and emotional bondage.
She is the self-published author of a 31 Day Christian Devotional, Early Do I Seek and a 90 Day Prayer Journal, The Secret Place.
If you are ready to learn, I am ready to teach.